Right furnishings stop plate reduce the risk of foreign exchange speculation

Engage in foreign exchange transactions must be recognized in the middle of things can go wrong is inevitable in order to promptly surrender when an error occurs, stop out to avoid that is a small mistake into big mistake, get bogged down with feet of clay. In fact, the role of stop loss is an error protection chao who appeared on the decision, the only way to reduce the loss, we often say that an accident can be fatal but if careful use of stop-stay out of trouble, then you can save the day.
For instance crash 87 years so many people go bankrupt if the trend was carefully analyzed, placed before the stop plate potential reversal automatic stop to leave the city, you can ride out an unprecedented catastrophe. So the trick is to place stop-how?
Stop plate must be placed in a reversal of an affordable place to confirm the city, just enough to make a real difference. Ordinary speculators, the use of stop loss, a reversal of most of the problems usually have three categories.
First, since that undefeated generals, disdain put the stop plate.
Second, the heart stops in the hands of non-stop plate.
Third, with a random amount as the stop plate.
For the first class of speculators market will sooner or later punish them, need not be discussed, of course, must not follow suit.
The second category hearts stop plate, the cause that fear unprovoked stop to leave to leave before deciding whether it should sell at a loss, Tam human weaknesses are often unwilling to admit defeat, and interim hesitant, so there is no consequence to stop the disc in advance furnishings the drop is usually lower stop plate mortar big mistake, until intolerable when it is forced to open.
As for the third category, with a certain amount as a random stop plate, it is asking for trouble when, for example a short sell gold monarch willing to accept a $ 1,000 loss and want to do three contracts, then set each dollar contract 3:05 stop plate, the most common scenario, the potential market is only continued to fall in after-hours stop hitting Mr. A gold, but a king would have been the right investment direction, because the wrong policy on the endless dead loss of departure, the correct approach, based on chart analysis as a basis for placing stop loss will stop plate placed stop plate placed on the market is bound to be reversed where this has two advantages first broke into Stop disc represents the potential reversal of the stop to leave the city is not the right investment approach broke into stop-second, showing the master still as expected development, Handicap holding hands, take a ride can continue to enjoy the win win money to make fun of.
As for how to choose the appropriate price would depend on the display stop-analysis system and set their own use, such as wave theory, morphological analysis, average, or a computer analysis system, will have different methods of calculation. All in all, we believe there is a place worth Observe the following points.
First, we must put a stop plate fixed before the market, then you can feel at ease to inspect the city's development potential.
Second, after the swing set stop plate, do not arbitrarily cancel, or in the case of failure of the stop plate back.
Third, we should pay attention to the use of [public enterprises to Mo] principle if most people are away from the stop plate display some important price to avoid a clean sweep.
Fourth, when the market in the right direction, you can stop price scheduled stop disc, follow the development trend of the city gradually adjusted to ensure that the vested interests at the same time try to earn more profits, this time, by adjusting the stop disk can be called up to make the disc, such as sell gold after gold prices, you can only make the disk gradually reduce as much as possible to earn profits and ensure remember.
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Forex Investors anti sets policy

Stuck with a difficult problem. After its stuck brains thinking of ways to get out of trouble, as before stuck, or do the operation before the next single strategy to deal with various situations, fully prepared. This operation is much more to take the initiative, even if the hold-up is not to panic, calm face calm disposition is much peace of mind.
Many people vulnerable to market sentiment, and actual operation. When markets are rising fast, can not withstand the temptation of profits, not the result of careful and objective analysis of the chase blindly follow the trend, soaring prices often become impulsive bull trap to lure investors to buy, so in all likelihood be the next single stuck. In the foreign exchange market, investors in order to prevent high hold, should pay attention to do the following:
1, after the rally can not buy, especially when you can not buy in the rise for a long time and then suddenly rose.
2, not after the temporary rise, particularly in the major positive news announced after the market had expected to sell.
3, can not rise for some time, the Japanese K line appears after buying high and volatile.
4, can not rise for some time, after the index on K-line trend of buying betrayal.
Good control of their emotions, calm in the face of these four market conditions. Develop the habit of independent thinking, do not be affected by the atmosphere of market optimism, do not be tempted to persuade friends around. Not a god, no matter how risk-averse you are good at, what analytical operations, as long as trading in the currency markets, will encounter many unpredictable unexpected factors, are inevitable once the quilt after quilt how to get out of trouble, how to win the game to become stuck by biggest wish.
I'm afraid drag, investment currency misjudgment difficult to prevent
1, not afraid wrong. After buying the currency market is stuck, first do not panic, calm analysis of their own to buy the dollar belongs to a historic high level, or intermediate level, or the bottom of the region.
When he found himself buying the dollar on the rise for a long period of high price, timely and decisive indemnities should sell, reduce losses. This will not only reduce their losses in the stock market in the future, but can also adjust their mentality and funds, then take the initiative. Speculative market is not afraid to make mistakes, I'm afraid knowingly refused to admit mistakes, delays luck waiting dollar rebounded, resulting in the exchange rate more or more, the loss is growing.
Meeting people know a lot of my friends are decisive indemnities to leave at a high level
2, the actual operation. Avoid greater downside risk, but how to develop stop-loss it? OK stop bit, there are several places worth considering: The dollar exchange rate fell below the 5 day moving average is located; the lower the exchange rate fell below the pre-order platform downward broken; the exchange rate fell below the base of the triangle to the pre-shock formed convergence Under Powei. Stop bits can be set in 5-day moving average is located, or the order platform, location base of the triangle.
Set up stop-loss is indeed more difficult technical problems, generally can be mechanically set their own odds recognize, such as setting down 30 points or 50 points, to decisively leave open. To survive in the foreign exchange durable, we must learn to stop in time, of the long pain as short-term pain. Funds prolonged precipitation, will affect the value of funds. In particular, a relatively high position to buy, be sure to set up a stop, once an error of judgment necessary to stop in time out, this is the most effective way to deal with high stuck.
After selling currency
3, high stop. Should wait, since sold at a high level, the dollar will have to fall for some time and fall time. Then investors should restrain themselves eager "earn back the cost of" irritable mental, patiently waiting for the next market opportunity. In fact, after the high to sell the currency, the currency fall more and more, to be thrown in that currency investors more favorable.
When larger decreases, then to previous indemnities withdraw funds from the Board once again buying the currency.Because of the exchange rate is relatively low, you can buy more quantity, once the currency to rise slightly, and soon would be able to make up for previous losses. If the currency rise, naturally a comeback. In addition through the hype to achieve rapid crosses some sort of relief is a very good method.
After judgment
4, of course, it is a high-Stop avoid bigger losses. Under the market conditions allow, the quilt currency by crosses, cross sell the currency on movements better achieve the purpose of the weak exchange strong rise if the strong currency can get out of trouble, they may even profit. Investors through the open back crosses and not necessarily the first dollar, very economical cost of the transaction, the sale of real trading, after all, the point of difference is still quite large by crosses, in fact, the two transactions were synthesized deal to do, of course, It will save transaction costs. On subsequent quilt can be the first to see there is no good crosses can be done through the analysis and if not, then consider the straight plate decisively stop.
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How to grasp the good opportunity open

A good grasp of the right to buy only half the battle, with the right positions is complete success. This is no speculative market everlasting rule, the foreign exchange market is no exception.
Some people with friends in the foreign exchange analysis very set, regardless of fundamentals, technicals have their own insights, but they are often unsatisfactory operating performance. One reason is the timing of closing almost always wrong, either prematurely open, did not achieve the subsequent huge profits; or that the delay in the open, so that the final market buy point back to the starting point, even stuck. Visible, a good grasp of timing is very important to open basic skills.
"High throw Law" and "sub-top positions Law"
Investors are hoping to have a method, a panacea, such as a technical analysis indicators, once index reaches a certain value, you can accurately positions. Unfortunately, however, so far no such technical indicators. In fact, if not overly pursuit of accurate, method of course there is. This issue introduces "high throw Law" and "sub-top positions Law" can do correct positions, but not the exact positions.
The so-called "high throw Act" refers to the investors to buy the currency at the time, we have given this money will be a good a profit target price. Once the exchange rate to achieve this goal, investors liquidated. In general, the use of this investment strategy investors use currency mostly combine fundamental and technical analysis, such as the golden line, the average line, shape, etc. to determine a reasonable target price, then wait for money to reach this a target price immediately liquidated.
"Sub-top positions Law" is not determined in advance to give yourself a target price, but has been the position until the second time to see if the exchange rate show signs of peaking throws. In general, investors are using this open strategy is commonly used in technical analysis to determine signs of peaking, mainly from the patterns and trends to determine the exchange rate movements. Specifically, through the double top, head and shoulders, triple top judge established mid-head, decisive positions.
The combined effect of the two laws better
Whether it is "high throw Law" or "sub-top positions Law", you can get very good investment results. Many of the world successful investors and fund managers are using one of the methods. But no matter which method is adopted, all had their own shortcomings. For the use of "high throw Law" investors, they must first master a set of national currencies where the economic fundamentals of the analysis method, the target level set by the investor will certainly be higher than its current market price. So, unless you really have its own unique in the foreign exchange market, otherwise the establishment of the target price could be more dangerous.
As for the use of investors' views of the top positions Law ", it is mainly based on the exchange rate movements to determine, not in advance to give ourselves a target price. Of course, shortcomings are obvious, which requires investors to have to invest more time and energy draining. This is why some people tirelessly studying what is "really top" and what is "off the top", so as not to be fooled.
We believe that the combination of the two methods would be better to use some of this more rational positions.When the exchange rate reaches the target price of buying at the beginning of the set, it should be liquidated immediately.Because investors in the fixed target price, always have their own reasons, and start setting the target level, generally but also more rational. When the exchange rate rising, most people's mind began to heat. To avoid mistakes, better and timely closing. Investors may open after the dollar will rise, which can only say that investor misjudgment, rather than as investors hotheaded sake. If prices continue to rise there really should have the courage to buy again, but this is yet a new action, re-set the target position rationally, rather than a list of affected before.
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Winners of the mysteries of exchange

The capital market is a place of miracles, foreign exchange margin trading is to create such a miracle provide a sufficient condition. If you are targeted, Qierbushe, disciplined, and have a good trading system, then, this miracle might happen to you.
In the foreign exchange market, Mr. Richard Dennis said the United States can be unknown, but he started by $ 1,600 principal amount invested entirely in a personal capacity, by virtue of its unique market technical analysis judged the system and combat technology system, 16 year period will be added $ 1,600 to $ 1 billion. Miracles like this happen every year in the foreign exchange market, but the more successful keeping a low profile, not known Bale. If you carefully analyze the mysteries of these successful people, you will find there are five basic steps in the process of their success, namely, "targeted, correct idea, excellent tools, disciplined, planned science."
The first step: targeted
Do anything to be a goal, no goal, it will be lost. Corporate profit targets for years, the national GDP growth target for years and five-year development plan, as an individual but also ideal, but this ideal at different stages of life is reflected in different forms, if specific performance in the capital markets, is You should own the next month, one year, three years or five years or longer, you should get what kind of a profit target for a clear plan. This goal may not be achieved within the specified time, but also need to develop, because he is your way forward. No orientation of the target, it is impossible to implement the steps and plans. No implementation steps and programs alone make success is nonsense, mirror seen flowers, squaring the circle, is simply impossible.
For example: I would like to use $ 500 to earn $ 10 million, a lot of people sounds like the "Arabian Nights." Because the gap between the two is too large, it is impossible to achieve. Really impossible to achieve? If you use the $ 500 to enter the market, if it is 1: 200 times the margin, every day you open only a hand positions, earn 30 points every day, every $ 500 increase, the more open you first-hand positions, to 180 days, you will have millions of dollars. According to statistics, the foreign exchange market fluctuations of various currencies every day an average of more than 100 points, earn one third of every day, in theory, is not a difficult task, but in practice, it may be a lot of difficulties. If you continue to break down the difficulties, as the man on the moon project down into a concrete implementation steps, then things might have become hard very simple.
Step two: the right idea
With $ 500 in order to use $ 10 million to make the specific objectives, but how to achieve, which relates to the conceptual level. Speculative investment or by using the method, middle or short positions every day to reach the target profit of 30 points? If you can not gain 30 points that day how to do, if that day is not actually a loss how to do profit, it is 15 minutes or 60 minutes as the Wagner cycle ...... and so on should be clear after considering the overall goal clear. Only these issues to think clearly, and you will go to plan accordingly, enforce strict discipline, to find a good trading system to help you achieve this goal. Otherwise, you will be in successive profit more than $ 30 when complacency, greed rapid expansion; a loss of $ 20 that day and depressed, regardless of the characteristics or the mentality of the market situation and become freely opening transaction. These are not the right idea, it is the enemy of your success, but also the weakness of human nature for all investors. These all need the right concept to overcome.
The third step: Excellent tool
"Work on the things we must first of its profits." In forex trading process, there is not a good trading system, is key to the success of your success. Good trading system is to ensure that you achieve the fundamental goal is to ensure that the probability of winning every time you trade all tend to your side. After all, long-term stability in the foreign exchange market to profit, is to rely on the probability of winning is always greater than the probability of loss to be guaranteed.Murphy said that as 60 percent of trading profit by 40% to obtain, in the final analysis better than 60% probability of winning by 60% transaction earned reassuring.
A good trading system is to ensure the long-term and stable basis for your profit. None of this system, you will always linger at a loss, profit, and then a loss, and then endlessly profitable until the day you were expelled from the market. For example, within 100 days, if you trade 100 times, 60 times earnings, 40 times the loss, profit loss is $ 30, then after the win loss offset, your ultimate profit 20 times, a total of $ 600. If you follow this deficit to win probability keep going, 250 days a year, you'll profit 150 times, 100 times the loss of the last 50 times earnings, so from a $ 500 to $ 10 million dream may be nearly four years so although prolonged achieve your goals, but it will not hinder your goals are attained.
Step Four: discipline
Forex market too many chances, faced with such a wealth of temptation, human greed will inevitably rapid expansion. If you do not have a good sense of discipline, you'll drown in this market. Strict discipline is to ensure that you achieve your goal of conditions. The same is, why there is fighting army than ordinary people? Because they go through rigorous training, with strict discipline. If you put in front of the trading system compared to rigorous training, then rely on the system can play a role to ensure the strict discipline.
In the transaction will encounter a lot of people, obviously affect trading system in the opening or closing signal, the operator by greed or fear, according to the signal when the operation will not occur, the result is not stuck flesh. Discipline not strict, you will retreat no data, transaction loses its tricks. Imagine if all the cars on the road, do not follow the "red light stop green line" discipline operation, the road will become a slaughterhouse. Trading is no exception. If you are a disciplined person, you can stay in the market, or otherwise quit for good.
Step Five: Plan Science
Achieve $ 500 to $ 10 million goal, scientific program is very important. With the previous four steps as a guarantee that the final step is how to develop a scientific plan. The plan is how much profit point to exit point stop loss how much; if several consecutive losses, should take some time off; if the market is not a good market, whether barely transaction; one day should deal several times; the choice at night or during the day Trading; if completed the day's profit target, whether still continue trading losses, and whether this should regain ...... These are to be considered when planning clear. After the planning is complete, you will find that the transaction becomes as simple as eating and drinking, when you Jiancang no pressure, nor anxious when positions, naturally, will not open when there is fear of greed heart do Tsung. Because you know that what happened today will happen in your program, but will not exceed the outside of your plan. You just need to wait, waiting for you when the transaction reaches the 180, complete 500-10000000 US dollars dream.
This is the essence of the transaction, the mystery winner. This five-step process is a critical step in the successful winners indispensable.
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Hedging foreign investment for the first

As we all know, foreign investment risk. First, to determine the price of foreign exchange too many variables that will affect foreign exchange movements, so that foreign investment is full of great risks and challenges. But the risks for foreign exchange investors, not necessarily the biggest risk he faced.
Everyone will face the risk, but when the risk is really hit, some investors are already safely avoided, put down as little as possible the losses suffered, some people are often subject to big losses. Faced with this situation, we must ask about, facing the same external risk, why different investors it will be so different results?
This involves the exchange of venture capital on the other hand, that the risk from the investors themselves. It is said that the investment is large enemy actually is their own. These words makes sense. Not reasonably hedge artificially enlarge the risk, this is the biggest risk faced by investors! In fact, in a sense, the market itself is not risk market like a river, the risk is that you cross the river. Battle in the foreign exchange market investors as well. It can survive at risk of sudden, complete lies in his ability to control risk. Risk to themselves in investors' foreign exchange transactions mainly two aspects: One is the risk of financial planning, and the second is the risk of trading mentality. We guard against foreign exchange risk in investment, we should start with these two major aspects.
First, avoid blind market. Some investors never seriously studied systematically invest theoretical skills, but also without any simulation exercises, even the most basic of the basics of forex do not understand the rush to enter the currency markets, to invest, the rapid depreciation of its capital account would be the inevitable choice. So, before you fully grasp the knowledge of risk control and trading rules, then how can not be tempted into the market. There's investors do not invest their own minds, parrot, blindly follow the trend, what people buy, they would follow what to buy. Little do they know when to invest, everyone has their own opinion, everyone has their own situation, people right, it might not be appropriate.Therefore, the investment should have their own thinking, have their own ideas, can only be done with reference to the opinions of others, to use their own analysis and insight to determine exchange rate movements, and then guide their investment. Is the gradual accumulation of experience, do not blindly follow the trend, resulting in unnecessary losses, is not conducive to their growth in foreign investment in them as soon as possible.
Second, have a good psychological clearance. Technically foreign investment studious, psychological relations sad.Humanity is a weakness, trading personality of greed, fear, hesitation, resolute, courageous, prudent, herd, etc. in the foreign exchange market will be exposed. To a certain extent, the profit is the character of the transaction process you reward merit, losses in the trading process for you character defects punishment. "Deficit born lucky heart, win the heart of raw greed." So invest in a certain program is to overcome the "fear" and "greed" process. Once the investment plan, it must strictly in accordance with the Executive, the most taboo is due to greedy or lucky breach their own rules. Investors want to be successful in the foreign exchange market, it is necessary to overcome the greed and fear. Control their own psychological, and understand human nature, away from the flock, on the opposite of most people, the market you have already won half the battle. Overcome the weakness of human nature, in order to succeed.
Third, adhere to the first stop. The first lesson is not to buy currency but stop. Foreign investment, stop loss orders around forever with the most effective means of risk control. It did not stop the idea is not eligible to enter the stock market, investment in exchange three most important elements: the first is to stop, second stop, third or stop. Excellent Trader success lies not in how to analyze the market, but rather how to govern funds. In developing plans, although many of the key factors to consider, but the core issue is always the exit transactions already entered under what circumstances.Once the profit target is reached, we will of course out of the deal. More importantly, it must also have an acceptable loss plan, once the transaction is losing up to a certain extent, it should resolutely quit, fast indemnities to a small loss in exchange for the safety of funds. If the fear of suffering a small loss and refused out, sooner or later will suffer large losses. Therefore, foreign investment, we must remember, first stop, iron discipline must be implemented.
Fourth, learn to summarize improve. There are many investors lack the spirit of self-reflection in the investment, independent thinking is the first step in any successful investment. In foreign investment, we must learn to think, to ponder the first place, to rid itself of "parroting" position. Others clever after all the others, you must be thinking, get their own clever. Learning experience and knowledge of others is only a means. Learning, but provide you with material and nutrients to grow it, and put these materials and nutrients into their blood, you must learn to keep thinking.
In order to better promote thinking, we have to learn to write a diary investment, investment diary to record the contents of such aspects: First, the basic data every day, and the second is based on your analysis of the data from these analyzes and recommendations from the operation ʱ?? Third, to record their next single case. Fourth, the implementation of his orders and his reviewed. Although this is a little more boring, but if we continue down, you will become a valuable asset. Over time, it will be more worthy than you cherish your account wealth. Patience to do every operation summary, foreign investment is to be "think twice, the line and think twice." We can not expect the same opportunity to come again, but we can not in the same place a second time wrestling.
Fifth, we must learn to wait and be patient. Some investors can not wait once the market, the exchange rate will respect toward their favor movement, preferably with a substantial movement, aspirations flourishes. But the probability of this case is very small, in most cases after the stock market, the dollar seems to be with their own against the like, but why the opposite direction toward their movement. This is a challenge to investors endurance, they must operate in strict accordance with the original plan to act, and must not frequent buying and selling. Investors have a choice to learn, through a variety of investment opportunities priorities, size, and many other hot spots have measured selectively abandon small investment opportunities, in order to better grasp the greater investment opportunities. Investment market adage: "Patience is an investment." Forex investors must develop good endurance, which is often a major key to success. Many investors are not lower their analytical ability, nor is their lack of investment experience, it is a lack of patience, too early to buy or sell too early, thus incurring unnecessary losses. Investors should try to overcome their impulsiveness, waiting for a chance to peace of mind to grasp the best market access to spare bands, seek to maximize revenue.
Currency war, we have to firmly establish risk awareness, and continuously improve self-control, the ability to avoid risks, the first victory and then go to war, rather than the war first and then seek to win. In this way, we can be harvested in foreign investment.
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New York foreign exchange market

New York foreign exchange market is not only the center of American foreign exchange business, is the world's most important international foreign exchange market, its daily trading volume of view, ranking second in the world, but also the clearing center of the global US dollar transactions.
New York foreign exchange market is the abstract of the foreign exchange market, it is through the telegraph, telephone, telex, computer terminals at home and abroad to contact, there is no fixed trading places. Participating in market activities are the Federal Reserve Bank, the major commercial banks in the foreign exchange department of the United States, foreign bank branches in the United States and the agency, foreign exchange brokers, consortium of companies and individuals. Federal Reserve Bank to perform the functions of the central bank, many have reciprocity with the National Bank provides credit, you can borrow in various currencies within certain limits, intervention in the foreign exchange market, the dollar remained stable. Largest commercial bank in New York foreign exchange market is the most active financial institutions, foreign exchange trading and payment them at home and abroad by branches and agencies.
New York foreign exchange market consists of three parts. The first is the foreign exchange market between banks and their customers, and the second is the inter-bank foreign exchange market in New York, and the third is the foreign exchange market and foreign banks in New York banks. Wherein the inter-bank foreign exchange market in New York is the most traded market, accounting for 90% of the foreign exchange market trading volume. Therefore, commercial banks play an extremely important role in forex trading, forex trading is mainly handled by the commercial banks.
In terms of business, the United States has no foreign exchange controls, any US commercial banks are free to engage in foreign exchange business.
Currency trading on the New York foreign exchange market, mainly the euro, British pound, Canadian dollar, Japanese yen and other. According to the Reserve Bank of New York to help the two data, in the New York foreign exchange market, the largest trading volume is the euro, accounting for 40%, followed by 23 percent for the yen, the pound 19%, 5% of the Canadian dollar.
New York foreign exchange market is one of the important international foreign exchange market, the daily trading volume after London. New York foreign exchange market is also an invisible market. Forex trading through modern communication and computer network conducted its monetary settlement are available through the New York area interbank clearing system and the Federal Reserve Bank payment system.
Since the United States has no exchange controls, no restrictions on foreign exchange operations, the government does not appoint a special foreign exchange bank, so almost all US banks and financial institutions may engage in foreign exchange business. But the New York foreign exchange market participants, mainly commercial banks, including Bank of America, more than 50 foreign bank branches and more than 200 correspondent banks and representative offices in New York.
Forex trading on the New York foreign exchange market is divided into three levels: Forex Trading between banks and their customers, foreign exchange transactions between banks and their foreign exchange transactions of domestic banks and foreign banks. Among them, the interbank foreign exchange trading mostly handled by the forex broker. New York foreign exchange market have eight brokers, although some specialize in certain foreign exchange trading, but most of them are also engaged in transactions in multiple currencies. Forex Brokers business without any supervision, its trading arrangements do not assume any financial responsibility, but a commission to the seller after the completion of each transaction.
New York foreign exchange market trading activity, but import and export trade-related foreign exchange trading volume is small. It is closely related to a considerable part of foreign exchange and financial futures markets. US companies in addition to financial futures and relations with the foreign exchange market, the less other foreign exchange business.
New York foreign exchange market is a totally free foreign exchange market, the exchange offer both direct quotation (referring to the pound) and use the indirect quotation (refers to the European currency and the currencies of other countries), facilitates the dollar traded in the world. Trading currencies is mainly in continental Europe, North America, Canada, Central and South America, Far East, Japan and other countries currencies.
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