Posted by : kcskavi Friday, June 6, 2014

TheGreedyPig ADR v6.mq4

This is a modified ADR Indicator I found in a Forum.

Here is the MT4 Code:

//                                          TheGreedyPig ADR v6.mq4 $
//                                   Copyright © 2012, TheGreedyPig $
//                   $
//                                                                  $
#property copyright "Greedy Pig Trading"
#property indicator_chart_window
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                              Version Log
2012/03/04 - TheGreedyPig
TheGreedyPig ADR v6
Added Input Options to display High/Low Prices on chart for ADR 20, ADR 10 ADR 5
Top Left of chart shows:
ADR(20) = XXX
ADR(10) = XXX
ADR(5)  = XXX
Today   = XXX
ADR5 Top = xxxx - xx Pips Away [This will turn Yellow if within 20 Pips]
(Pips from Open) = xx [this will change color >20 is Green, < -20 is RED Less than 20 is Yellow]
ADR5 Bottom = xxxx - xx Pips Away [This will turn Yellow if within 20 Pips]
 extern  bool Show.ADR5  = true;
 extern  bool Show.ADR10 = true;
 extern  bool Show.ADR20 = true;
 extern  bool ExcludeSundayData = true;  // set to "false" to INCLUDE Sunday bar in the calculation

 color      ADR_Color=Blue;

 int        Font_Size=10;
 int        DisplayCorner=0;            
 int        x=10;
 int        y=10;
 int        LastBars0=0;
 int        Todays.Range; // current days range High to Low
 int        RmUp; // Pips from Bid to ADR5 High
 int        RmDn;// Pips from Bid to ADR5 Low
 int        n = 1; // $$$ Used to loop back x days

 string     font1 = "Compact";
 string     font2 = "Arial Black";
 static int adr1,adr5,adr10,adr20; // stores ADR calcs
 string     text; //

 double     PipValue = 0.0001;
 double     ADR5_High =0;
 double     ADR5_Low=0;
 double     ADR10_High =0;
 double     ADR10_Low=0;
 double     ADR20_High =0;
 double     ADR20_Low=0;
 double     DailyPips; // used to hold the daily move in pips
 double     Daily.Range = 0.0;  // $$$ Used to Total up the Daily Ranges


int init()
//$$$ Establish Pips for 4 or 5 digit/fractional pip calculations
   if (Digits == 2 || Digits == 3) PipValue = PipValue * 100; // $$$ For JPY pairs
   if (Digits == 4 || Digits == 5) PipValue = PipValue;
// $$$ Branding
  ObjectCreate("trademark", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);          //$$$ Trademark
  ObjectSet("trademark", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);
  ObjectSet("trademark", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("trademark", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+5);
  ObjectSetText("trademark","TheGreedyPig",Font_Size-3, font2, Black);

  ObjectCreate("Watermark", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);          //$$$ Watermark
  ObjectSet("Watermark", OBJPROP_CORNER, 3);
  ObjectSet("Watermark", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
  ObjectSet("Watermark", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 5);
  ObjectSetText("Watermark","",Font_Size, font2, DimGray);    
// $$$ TopLeft Dashboard/Display
  ObjectCreate("xADR0", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);          // Average Daily Range ("ADR20" Label)
  ObjectSet("xADR0", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);
  ObjectSet("xADR0", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("xADR0", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+20);

  ObjectCreate("xADR1", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);          // Average Daily Range ("ADR10" Label)
  ObjectSet("xADR1", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);
  ObjectSet("xADR1", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("xADR1", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+35);

  ObjectCreate("xADR2", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);          // Average Daily Range ("ADR5" Label)
  ObjectSet("xADR2", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);
  ObjectSet("xADR2", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("xADR2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+50);

  ObjectCreate("xADR3", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);          // "Today's Range" Label
  ObjectSet("xADR3", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);
  ObjectSet("xADR3", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("xADR3", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+65);
  ObjectCreate("xADR4", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
  ObjectSet("xADR4", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);  // "ADR Top" Label
  ObjectSet("xADR4", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("xADR4", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+80);

  ObjectCreate("DailyPipsObj2", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
  ObjectSet("DailyPipsObj2", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);  // Daily Pips
  ObjectSet("DailyPipsObj2", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("DailyPipsObj2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+97);

  ObjectCreate("xADR5", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);          // "ADR Bottom" Label
  ObjectSet("xADR5", OBJPROP_CORNER, DisplayCorner);
  ObjectSet("xADR5", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
  ObjectSet("xADR5", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+130);
// $$$ On Chart ADR Price Label Display  
  ObjectCreate("ADR5_High_obj" ,OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[0],0);  //Get this to calc price and plot
  ObjectSet("ADR5_High_obj" ,OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);
  ObjectSet("ADR5_High_obj" ,OBJPROP_WIDTH,3);
  ObjectCreate("ADR5_Low_obj",OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[0],0);  //Get this to calc price and plot
  ObjectSet("ADR5_Low_obj" ,OBJPROP_COLOR,Green);
  ObjectSet("ADR5_Low_obj" ,OBJPROP_WIDTH,3);

  ObjectCreate("ADR10_High_obj" ,OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[1],0);  //Get this to calc price and plot
  ObjectSet("ADR10_High_obj" ,OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);
  ObjectSet("ADR10_High_obj" ,OBJPROP_WIDTH,2);
  ObjectCreate("ADR10_Low_obj",OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[1],0);  //Get this to calc price and plot
  ObjectSet("ADR10_Low_obj" ,OBJPROP_COLOR,Green);
  ObjectSet("ADR10_Low_obj" ,OBJPROP_WIDTH,2);

  ObjectCreate("ADR20_High_obj" ,OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[2],0);  //Get this to calc price and plot
  ObjectSet("ADR20_High_obj" ,OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);
  ObjectSet("ADR20_High_obj" ,OBJPROP_WIDTH,1);
  ObjectCreate("ADR20_Low_obj",OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[2],0);  //Get this to calc price and plot
  ObjectSet("ADR20_Low_obj" ,OBJPROP_COLOR,Green);
  ObjectSet("ADR20_Low_obj" ,OBJPROP_WIDTH,1);
} // End Initialize

int deinit()
     if (ObjectFind("xADR0") == 0 )          ObjectDelete("xADR0");// only delete it if it exists
     if (ObjectFind("xADR1") == 0 )          ObjectDelete("xADR1");
     if (ObjectFind("xADR2") == 0 )          ObjectDelete("xADR2");
     if (ObjectFind("xADR3") == 0 )          ObjectDelete("xADR3");
     if (ObjectFind("xADR4") == 0 )          ObjectDelete("xADR4");
     if (ObjectFind("xADR5") == 0 )          ObjectDelete("xADR5");                  
     if (ObjectFind("DailyPipsObj2") == 0 )  ObjectDelete("DailyPipsObj2");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR5_High_obj") == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR5_High_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR5_Low_obj") == 0 )   ObjectDelete("ADR5_Low_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR10_High_obj") == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR10_High_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR10_Low_obj") == 0 )   ObjectDelete("ADR10_Low_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR20_High_obj") == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR20_High_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR20_Low_obj") == 0 )   ObjectDelete("ADR20_Low_obj");            
} // End Deinitialize

int start()
  // Oink Oink
  int Bars0=Bars;
  //$$$$$  ADR CALCULATION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    for(int i=1;i<=20;i++) // $$$ Loop Past 20 Daily Sessions
      while(ExcludeSundayData && TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,n))==0) n++; // If TimeDayOfWeek returns 0 add 1 to n to skip Sunday
      Daily.Range=Daily.Range + ( iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,n) - iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,n) )/PipValue;
      if(i==1)  adr1 =MathRound(Daily.Range);
      if(i==5)  adr5 =MathRound(Daily.Range/5);
      if(i==10) adr10=MathRound(Daily.Range/10);
      if(i==20) adr20=MathRound(Daily.Range/20);
    text="ADR(20) = "+adr20;
    ObjectSetText("xADR0",text,Font_Size, font2, ADR_Color);      // $$$ "ADR20" Label    
    text="ADR(10) = "+adr10;
    ObjectSetText("xADR1",text,Font_Size, font2, ADR_Color);      // $$$ "ADR10" Label  
    text="ADR(5)   = "+adr5;
    ObjectSetText("xADR2",text,Font_Size, font2, ADR_Color);      // $$$ "ADR5" Label

  //$$$$$  END OF ADR CALCULATION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  //Today's Range and Limit Room $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  double Todays.Low  =  iLow (Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0);
  double Todays.High =  iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0);
  Todays.Range =  MathRound((Todays.High - Todays.Low)    /PipValue );
  RmUp         =  MathRound( adr5   - (Bid - Todays.Low)  /PipValue );
  RmDn         =  MathRound( adr5   - (Todays.High - Bid) /PipValue );
  ADR5_High     =  Todays.Low  + (adr5 * PipValue);
  ADR5_Low      =  Todays.High - (adr5 * PipValue);

  ADR10_High     =  Todays.Low  + (adr10 * PipValue);
  ADR10_Low      =  Todays.High - (adr10 * PipValue);

  ADR20_High     =  Todays.Low  + (adr20 * PipValue);
  ADR20_Low      =  Todays.High - (adr20 * PipValue);  

  text         ="Today    = " + Todays.Range;                       // "Today's Range" Label
  ObjectSetText("xADR3",text,Font_Size,font2, ADR_Color);
  text         ="ADR(5) Top@" + DoubleToStr(ADR5_High,4)+" = "+ RmUp + " Pips Away";      // "ADR Top" Label
  if (RmUp<20)   ObjectSetText("xADR4",text,Font_Size, font1, Yellow);
   else   ObjectSetText("xADR4",text,Font_Size, font2, Green);

  text         ="ADR(5) Bottom@" + DoubleToStr(ADR5_Low,4)+" = "+ RmDn + " Pips Away";    // "ADR Bottom" Label
  if (RmDn<20)   ObjectSetText("xADR5",text,Font_Size, font2, Yellow);
  else ObjectSetText("xADR5",text,Font_Size, font2, Green);

if( iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) > iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 )) DailyPips = (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) - iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) ) /PipValue;
else if( iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) > iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 )) DailyPips = (iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) - iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) ) /PipValue;

// $$$ Change Display of DailyPips by Daily Pip Range for the day.
// $$$ YELLOW
if (DailyPips < 20)
ObjectSetText ("DailyPipsObj2",DoubleToStr( (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) - iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ))/PipValue ,0),20,"Arial Black",Yellow);
// $$$ RED
else if (
            (iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) - iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ))/PipValue >20 )
ObjectSetText ("DailyPipsObj2",DoubleToStr( (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) - iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ))/PipValue ,0),20,"Arial Black",Red);
// $$$ GREEN
else if (
            (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) - iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ))/PipValue >20 )

ObjectSetText ("DailyPipsObj2",DoubleToStr( (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ) - iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0 ))/PipValue ,0),20,"Arial Black",Green);
if (Show.ADR5)
   // $$$ Set ADR Price Label HIGH  
   ObjectSet("ADR5_High_obj"    ,OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[0]);  //Get this to calc price and plot
   ObjectSet("ADR5_High_obj"    ,OBJPROP_PRICE1,ADR5_High);  //Get this to calc price and plot  
ObjectSetText("ADR5_High_obj","ADR5 High=" + DoubleToStr(ADR5_High,4),10,font1,Red);
   // $$$ Set ADR Price Label LOW  
   ObjectSet("ADR5_Low_obj"    ,OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[0]);  //Get this to calc price and plot
   ObjectSet("ADR5_Low_obj"    ,OBJPROP_PRICE1,ADR5_Low);  //Get this to calc price and plot  
ObjectSetText("ADR5_Low_obj","ADR5 Low="+DoubleToStr(ADR5_Low,4),10,font1,Red);
     if (ObjectFind("ADR5_High_obj") == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR5_High_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR5_Low_obj")  == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR5_Low_obj");
if (Show.ADR10)
   // $$$ Set ADR Price Label HIGH  
   ObjectSet("ADR10_High_obj"    ,OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[1]);  //Get this to calc price and plot
   ObjectSet("ADR10_High_obj"    ,OBJPROP_PRICE1,ADR10_High);  //Get this to calc price and plot  
ObjectSetText("ADR10_High_obj","ADR10 High=" + DoubleToStr(ADR10_High,4),10,font1,Red);
   // $$$ Set ADR Price Label LOW  
   ObjectSet("ADR10_Low_obj"    ,OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[1]);  //Get this to calc price and plot
   ObjectSet("ADR10_Low_obj"    ,OBJPROP_PRICE1,ADR10_Low);  //Get this to calc price and plot  
ObjectSetText("ADR10_Low_obj","ADR10 Low="+DoubleToStr(ADR10_Low,4),10,font1,Red);
     if (ObjectFind("ADR10_High_obj") == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR10_High_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR10_Low_obj")  == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR10_Low_obj");
if (Show.ADR20)
   // $$$ Set ADR Price Label HIGH  
   ObjectSet("ADR20_High_obj"    ,OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[2]);  //Get this to calc price and plot
   ObjectSet("ADR20_High_obj"    ,OBJPROP_PRICE1,ADR20_High);  //Get this to calc price and plot  
ObjectSetText("ADR20_High_obj","ADR20 High=" + DoubleToStr(ADR20_High,4),10,font1,Red);
   // $$$ Set ADR Price Label LOW  
   ObjectSet("ADR20_Low_obj"    ,OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[2]);  //Get this to calc price and plot
   ObjectSet("ADR20_Low_obj"    ,OBJPROP_PRICE1,ADR20_Low);  //Get this to calc price and plot  
ObjectSetText("ADR20_Low_obj","ADR20 Low="+DoubleToStr(ADR20_Low,4),10,font1,Red);
     if (ObjectFind("ADR20_High_obj") == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR20_High_obj");
     if (ObjectFind("ADR20_Low_obj")  == 0 )  ObjectDelete("ADR20_Low_obj");
} // END Start

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