Many people want to get rich in the financial markets, which led to frequent back to do a single, and frequently do a single, direct cause of the loss is the professionals - the number of stops too much. Without loss of professional people frequently do not single, but I do not know open positions and stop-loss caused. To add that stop-loss orders, but also constitute the entire transaction, a successful stop, to avoid the possible risk, this list is a success, we must make money is not to say that the success of the list.
And frequently do one, is the "art" direct cause of the loss of people, how to avoid such a situation? Actually very simple, every day in Europe to do a disk tray US market, big money generally only push round. After taking to the target.While the back of the stock market is not a slight adjustment was a substantial adjustment. You see that day is not yet.Therefore, the following special provisions of Article 11. It can be said that the real earnings of things need to be added after Article 11 of the Code. Finally, and constantly improve the other 12, though equally important, but are listed in the following order according to the system. It can be used as short-term criteria.
1, the trend is not clear not play.
2, in a large channel to do homeopathy alone.
3, a small trend support and pressure to find a place close to entry points.
4, opening at changing trends, must comply with 123 rules.
5, always have to set the stop loss, stop-loss can not exceed the width of the channel would not do more than a single.
6, profit and loss ratio must be greater than 2: 1.
7, in the single bottom (top), double bottom (top), three bottom (top) established at the list.
8, each 5% stop after opening losses exceed the funds can not be opening.
9, according to market relations valley trailing stop line.
10, a major thoroughfare in the border initiative earnings only half positions.
11, Europe and the Americas disc tray each doing a single (or a round). If the stop, according to three backhand, also only a single (or a round).
12, does not hold a single through the week.